Dental techniques and materials have advanced to a point where total and near-total mouth reconstruction in Charlotte is possible right here. Unlike conventional removable dentures, entire mouth reconstruction requires strong, functional, and aesthetically pleasing teeth with roots permanently anchored into the jaw bone.
The Miracle of Dental Implants
You have probably heard about dental implants. They are a tooth replacement option that is, in most cases, the optimal replacement for a missing tooth. Dental implants have been used for many years to replace one or two missing teeth. However, they can also provide a foundation for dental crowns, bridges, and anchored dentures that replace nearly every tooth in the mouth!
No Dental Issue is Too Large for Us
Every smile transformation patient requires a unique combination of cosmetic dental procedures. If you’re a patient with a mouthful of problems, then speak with our expert dental team. Even if you’re missing most of your back teeth on both your upper and lower arch, we can help you with a full mouth reconstruction in Charlotte. To restore a beautiful, strong, and youthful-looking smile, we can offer you a variety of dental restoration options. No matter what your concern is, we can help you restore your smile to its original appearance. If you don’t have insurance or you aren’t covered, ask our office about affordable dental care and financing options. We never overcharge our patients, because we want them to feel like they are part of our Charlotte family.
Full Mouth Reconstruction in Charlotte
Are you interested in a full mouth reconstruction in Charlotte? After just a few visits, you could have a brilliant smile, renewed confidence, and no more slipping dentures! For more information on services, give our team a call at 704-337-8070. We look forward to hearing from you.
Contact Advanced Dentistry of Charlotte – Dr. Christopher A. Bowman:
Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):
1618 E Morehead St Ste 100
Charlotte, North Carolina