Dental anxiety is more common than you might think. Many people feel a wave of unease at just the thought of sitting in the dentist’s chair. For some, this anxiety turns into complete avoidance, leading to years—even decades—of neglecting their dental health. If you can relate, know that you’re not alone, and there is a…
Oral Health
Gum Disease Linked To Alzheimer’s: Keep Those Gums Healthy!

As if you needed another reason to keep your gums as healthy as possible. Scientists have found a link between a bacteria that causes periodontitis (advanced gum disease) and Alzheimer’s Disease. Porphyomonas gingivalis is a bacteria that often causes chronic periodontitis. The bacteria was discovered in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. The research study, “Porphyromonas…
Ditch the DIY Dental With Advanced Dentistry of Charlotte – Dr. Christopher A. Bowman

The internet is a treasure trove of information, but when it comes to your oral health, not everything you read online is accurate or safe. While it might be tempting to try home remedies for dental issues, visiting a qualified dentist at Advanced Dentistry of Charlotte – Dr. Christopher A. Bowman in Charlotte, North Carolina…
Is Your Mouth Sore Something Serious?

As a dentist, one of my roles is to help you take care of your mouth. Some of my patients have issues with mouth sores, thus the topic of today’s article. If you have a mouth sore that lasts more than a week or two; it is critical to come in for an exam. Mouth…
The Sweet Truth of How Sugary Treats Impact Your Smile in the Charlotte, North Carolina Area

We all love a sweet treat now and then. Whether it’s a celebratory slice of cake or a post-dinner indulgence, sugary foods are a part of life. But what happens to our teeth after we indulge? At Advanced Dentistry of Charlotte – Dr. Christopher A. Bowman in North Carolina, we see the effects of sugary…
Optimum Oral Health Includes Exams and Cleanings

If you’ve ever visited our blog, you’ve probably heard the guidance to have check-ups and cleanings twice a year. In fact, dental professionals have been advising the twice-yearly frequency for over 50 years. The American Dental Association counsels men and women to visit their dentist twice a year as well. Is that an arbitrary schedule?…
Tooth Sensitivity Treatment At Advanced Dentistry of Charlotte – Dr. Christopher A. Bowman

Have you ever been eating an ice cream cone when you suffered a sudden jolt of pain in one of your teeth? If the enamel has eroded, or the gums have receded, the dentin layer of the tooth is exposed. The substances that cause tooth pain travel to the pulp where the nerves of the…
Who Do You Call If You Have a Dental Emergency in Charlotte?

A dental emergency is any occurrence in which damage to the teeth occurs and the patient needs urgent care. While a dental emergency may have never happened to you, it could happen in the future. Some things are too urgent to wait for an appointment. How do you know if you need to call for…
5 Tips For Treating Mouth Sores

Hi. I’m Dr. Christopher Bowman. When my patients get mouth sores, I advise them to evaluate what they’re eating and make some changes. By following these tips, you too can avoid the discomfort of eating and help to increase the speed of healing. 1. Eat soft or pureed foods. Don’t worry, you won’t have to…
Yes! You Can Replace Old Fillings in Charlotte

Superficial cuts in the skin vanish without a trace, infections are killed with antibiotics, broken bones mend, and inflamed tissues subside. Our teeth, unfortunately, can’t regenerate. Decay can be halted in its progress, but scientists are still years away from actual enamel regeneration. That’s why the team at Advanced Dentistry of Charlotte – Dr. Christopher…